This morning I had my weekly blood test. After a week of a higher steroid dosage, this is the blood test that would determine what happens next. Either the steroids are working, or I'll have to get another IVIg infusion.
I already knew the steroids weren't working, even before I received the phone call. Mainly, because I've still been bruising easily (and often), but a one hour nose bleed was also a giant red flag.
I was just about ready to go to emergency when it finally stopped bleeding five minutes before my phone started ringing.
It was the news I already knew was coming. My platelet levels are still only at 18,000, and I have to go to hospital tomorrow for another IVIg infusion. Even though it was news I was expecting, it was still disappointing.
I'm meant to be going to Europe in a month with my girlfriend, and if my platelet levels are still low, we're going to have to cancel the whole trip. So I'm on a bit of a time crunch at the moment.
The good news is that the IVIg infusion worked for me when I was in the hospital, which fingers crossed means it's going to work for me again. Hopefully this time however, my platelets don't drop back down, which is what they're worried about. Otherwise we may have to take more drastic measures. And I'm a very big fan of my spleen staying inside my body.
One step at a time though. IVIg infusion first, worry about spleen later.
What is an IVIg infusion? Intravenous immunoglobulin: A sterile solution of concentrated antibodies extracted from healthy people that is administered directly into a vein. IVIG is used to treat disorders of the immune system or to boost the immune response to serious illness.
Basically, your body’s immune system normally makes enough antibodies to fight germs that cause infections. But if you have an immune deficiency, your body can’t make enough of them. This puts you at greater risk for infections that could make you very sick. IVIg gives you antibodies that your body is not making on its own so you can fight infections. (Thanks Doctor Google).
While we're on the topic though, can we just take a moment to thank everyone who donates blood? Without all of you, a lot of people wouldn't be alive today. I know you don't know who you're helping, and we don't know who's helped us, but it's very much appreciated and it doesn't go unnoticed. So thank you, whoever you are.
Anyway, tomorrow is the big day. The next step in my ITP journey. My second IVIg infusion in hospital at 9:30am. It'll take up to 6-7 hours, and hopefully after that we'll see some higher platelet numbers that stick around. Can only take it one day at a time. Nothing is going to happen overnight after all, I don't want to get my hopes up.
In other news, today is mine and my girlfriends two year anniversary, so it hasn't been a completely bad day. This definitely isn't the way I thought we would be spending our day, but as long as I have her by my side, then everything will be okay.
Until next time,
Georgia x